Development Finance
Applicants must asked themselves why they want to enter the commercial property finance arena. If the want to buy the property they are operating from, it is one thing but if they want to enter the commercial property market for investing purposes, there are definitely “safer” options.
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Find out more about the slight differences in the Bond Approval Process when buying Off-Plan or in a new development...
An offer to purchase (OTP), sometimes referred to as the sale agreement, is a legally binding contract between the buyer and seller of a property. This document governs the sale agreement entered into by both parties.
It’s great to move straight into a newly-built home with brand new furnishings and fittings. But it’s also important to understand the benefits and risks involved with the different types of developments, particularly if you are looking to finance the property with a mortgage bond. How do you determine which one is the best for you? Read on to find out.
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