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Posts Tagged 'comparing home loans'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'comparing home loans'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

What is a home loan Access Facility?

An Access Facility is an offset account linked to your home loan, that allows you to access any surplus funds that have accumulated in your home loan account by you paying more than the minimum monthly instalment and/or paying a lump sum into your account.

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FLISP - A Government Subsidy for First-time Homebuyers

Purchasers buying property for R650,000 and below will potentially qualify for FLISP, a government subsidy for first-time homebuyers. FLISP can be used to cover transfer and bond registration costs, thereby allowing the purchaser to buy a home without upfront savings.

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Three Ways To Access Funds Using Your Home Loan

You can access funds from your existing home loan in different ways. Your decision would depend on your personal circumstances and financial goals, but here are the three ways in which you could use your bond.

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What to look for when comparing Home Loan offers

It’s great to have a selection of home loan quotes to choose from. You can save yourself significant amounts of money in the long-term by choosing the best home loan quote. But how do you determine which one is the best?

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